Poetry like


Disease hangs to 
The edges of the box
(in bats or rats or snakes),
In lots of words, too
Too Many

Then the glit and libs
Come out, Play swords,
pour le drame,
for the spectacle, for
the show, for the now

And Under motives
Across the tracks
socialists take their
For Hollywood glory
(From the dead past,
They plan
a shallow future)

Only the fascists
Care to win
With their pick axes
That’s them !
They carry their narrow goals on their own shoulders
and care for nobody

And there’s me and you
Who say
“All the Years”
“All the Words”

If you strive for the rock
Your head breaks down
The world in
paint splattering

Who is the same?
Who is gone?

Let us count all the bills
To the very first one -
The shell of future promise

This disorder is the cross
We bear for Time

As we hurtle through space
Holding only our Name


I write abecedarian sequences

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